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Art Syllabus

Course Description Areas of Study:

This art course of study is part of a comprehensive,
sequential Fine Arts program that begins at the elementary level and
continues through high school. Students will acquire knowledge, understanding
and appreciation of the artistic, cultural and intellectual accomplishments
of our civilization while developing skills to express personal artistic talents.


The most important rule for guiding children's art activities is that the process is always more important than the product. "Process" means allowing children to explore art materials with freedom without the pressure to copy a model or stay in the lines. Process is experimenting with paints, watching the mixing colors, and feeling the textures of more or less. Process is gluing various sizes, shapes, and colors of paper together to create a collage. Process is freedom to experiment and enjoy the feeling of creating without being concerned with the outcome or the product. Process is creating something that is uniquely yours and not a copy of someone else's.

In art class, our course of study will focus upon problem-solving, using the elements and principles of design in order to create expressive, but well-organized works of art. We will learn about the elements of art; the visual components of color, form, line, texture, space, shape, and value. Students will be exposed to a variety of both two and three-dimensional materials and mediums, and will also have opportunities to write about and discuss their own works, and the works of others.  Students will be exposed to master artists and important works of art.


Just as you have high expectations for me as your teacher, I have high expectations for you as my student. I expect you to come to class prepared and ready to create original artwork. You are required to bring a pencil and eraser every day to class. While you are here, please be responsible with supplies and always be on task so you can do your best work. If you cannot complete a project or assignment on time, it is your responsibility to speak with me about an extension. Unexcused or missing work will result in an incomplete or failing grade.

The art room is a place of mutual respect. I expect you to treat your peers, your teacher (whether a substitute or me), and yourself with the highest level of respect. Please be polite and do not put down your artwork or the artwork of another classmate. If appropriate behavior becomes a challenge for you, we will meet to find a solution. If necessary, we will include parents and administrators.

Art projects and sketch assignments are evaluated using grading rubrics. Rubrics will focus on concepts I hope you will master during the grading period. These include your understanding of art skills/vocabulary, craftsmanship, problem solving, originality/communication, and self-reflection. Levels of mastery for each concept will be explained in detail during class. In addition I will be evaluating your use of class time to develop your skills and complete your projects and assignments. I believe this to be very important in your artistic development.

It’s going to be a great year in Art!





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